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Monday, September 17, 2018

Weekly Update

September 17, 2018

I hope you all had a great weekend! We have some fun things planned for this week!

Discipline Plan:
I wanted to let you know about a slight change in our discipline plan. At the beginning of the year I told you that after 3 Refocus's your student would be referred to administration to handle discipline. That is now changing to 5. Your student will still get a refocus that looks like this when they have been reminded 3 times for the same thing.

We still want to use this with our students because they are meaningful to them and help them understand what the teacher's expectations are. Stapled to the back of it will be an "Incident Report" that looks like this.

You will get a pink and yellow copy home. Please send the pink one back signed and keep the yellow one. I will circle which is which at the bottom to help you remember. These go to the office to be tracked and after the 5th one, administration will step in. This will allow us to do the same thing as the rest of the school, but still have it be meaningful for the kids. Let me know if you have any questions about this.

This week in reading we have 4 new sight words and 1 left over from last week. We spend 2 weeks with the word "an" because kiddos want to say "and" and we want to make sure they know the difference. :)

  1. up
  2. I
  3. on
  4. a
  5. an
During math this week we will be investigating numbers 0-10. Your student will also be practicing writing their numbers on the back of their homework. 

Your student's homework from last week was due today. If they forgot to send that in, please have them send it back in tomorrow. This is a part of your student's grade quarterly. 


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