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Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly Update

January 28, 2019

This week is a week of changes for kindergarten! We have new homework that will be coming home today as well as new things we are learning in class. Please read on carefully so that you are up to date :).

Spelling Words:
We have ten spelling words this week! We will be taking our spelling test on Thursday of this week because we do not have school on Friday, February 1st.
Our words this week are:

  1. do
  2. for
  3. of
  4. are
  5. good
  6. him
  7. big
  8. and
  9. not
  10. got

This week we are continuing our work in Place Value. This is a really tough concept for kindergarten students. You can support them by having them group items into tens at home. For example, if they are eating Goldfish for a snack, have them pile them into groups of ten and then count up how many they have that way.

This week in science the kids are working on the concept of motion! It is a really fun unit where the kids learn all about how things in motion continue unless something stops them.

Today your student is bringing home their first fluency passage. If they have not mastered all 60 of the kindergarten sight words they will be reading "Sight Word Passages" that are made up of those words. If they have mastered all 60 sight words, they are reading a kindergarten level reading passage. There is a note on the front explaining how it works. The five minutes spent reading these each night count towards their 20 minutes of reading. I would like my students to be reading at least 10 minutes of the 20 minutes they read each night. They can read 5 minutes with their fluency passages and 5 minutes with their decodables. I recommend that you keep those in gallon size ziploc bag to keep them safe. The other 10 minutes you can read to them. :)

Your student's regular homework will come home with them tomorrow :).


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