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Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekly Update

March 11, 2019

Welcome back to another fun week in kindergarten! This week is a short week as we do NOT have school this Friday the 15th. Teachers will be at the school working and the administration will be working on the lottery for next year.

Spelling Words:
We have ten new words this week. Our test will be on Thursday since we don't have school on Friday. Starting last week we moved into our combination lists of kindergarten review words and 1st grade words. The first five are always our kindergarten words and the last five are first grade words.
Our words this week are:

  1. go
  2. sit
  3. he
  4. who
  5. me
  6. way
  7. he
  8. when
  9. we
  10. how 

This week we are working on Geometry. We are focusing on 2-dimensional shapes to start with. Those shapes are:

  1. circle
  2. oval
  3. square
  4. triangle
  5. rectangle
  6. rhombus (not diamond)
  7. trapezoid
  8. pentagon
  9. hexagon
  10. octagon
  11. heart
  12. star
  13. crescent
Their homework in math this week is asking them to find objects around their home that are the listed shapes. So for example they could say the face of the clock for a circle.

Fluency Homework:
Some of your students moved to kindergarten passages this week! The font is much smaller and more of a "book" font. You will also notice that their aren't as many sight words in it, they are still simple words that your student should be able to sound out with help. Remember the focus is to read how you talk, not like a robot :).

Book Orders:
Book orders are due by the end of the school day this Thursday the 14th. Please let me know if you want anything held back as a gift for your student :).


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